Picard beams down to Risa and is immediately kissed by Vash, a woman he's never met before. Just before Picard leaves, Riker asks him to bring back a local souvenir called a Horga'hn. In his quarters, Riker notices that Picard is bringing with him to Risa some "light" reading, such as Ulysses by James Joyce and Ethics, Sophistry and the Alternate Universe by Ving Kuda. Picard finally gives in and starts planning to vacation somewhere Riker suggested: Risa. Riker concedes but notes that two ensigns on deck 39 may not know about the plan. Picard asks to speak to Riker privately in his ready room, drawing a brief cheer from Troi and asks if everyone on the ship is conspiring together to get him to go on vacation. Upon arriving on the bridge, Troi mentions that when the Enterprise arrives at Starbase 12, her mother will be present and is looking forward to catching up with Riker and Picard. In the turbolift, Riker hints to Picard that he should take a holiday, but Picard brushes him off. The doctor is not appeased and tells him instead to go to somewhere nice. He defends himself by saying that during the week-long starship maintenance on Starbase 12 he will make use of all the entertainment facilities available there.

Crusher says she could order Picard to take a vacation, but Picard replies that he knows she won't. As Picard rubs his neck, Crusher mentions that one of the symptoms is muscle spasms, and Picard clues in to what she's doing she ends up advising him to take a week off. She tells him that a crew member is working himself too hard and starts listing the symptoms that this crew member is manifesting. Picard doesn't show any joy when Riker congratulates him on negotiating the treaty, so Troi suggests to Riker that what their captain really needs is a vacation.ĭoctor Crusher enters Picard's ready room as he is working with a stack of PADDs on his desk. Picard arrives on the bridge, orders the ship to Starbase 12, and then goes to his ready room. Counselor Troi was with him, and tells Commander Riker how difficult it was for the captain to come up with the agreement. While the male wonders about the situation, the female simply states, " He will come."Įlsewhere, the USS Enterprise-D is returning from a two-week mission on Gemaris V, where Picard mediated a commercial treaty between two very stubborn participants, the Gemarians and the Dachlyds. When asked when he will arrive, the computer states it has no reservation on file under that name. The female queries the resort's computer about the location of Jean-Luc Picard's room, only to be informed that he hasn't arrived yet.

Two aliens, a male and a female, beam to a resort on the surface of the planet Risa.